Be part of our films; fund our film fest entries; and take pride in supporting one of the most independent voices in Philippine Cinema. Elvert's films have represented the country since the early 90's in more than 150 international film festivals in 35+ countries, spread in 6 continents. Joining in these film fests can be expensive given the high entry fees. If you donate today, we'll credit you for sending us to the next festival we get accepted in and we'll send you a collector's item memorabilia.
Elvert has participated in important festivals like 42nd FANTASPORTO International Film Festival (Portugal), 39th BOGOCINE Festival de Cine de Bogota (Colombia), 21st DC Asian Pacific American Film Festival (USA), 16th Wairoa Maori Film Festival and 9th Maoriland Film Festival (both in New Zealand), 16th Native Spirit Film Festival (UK), 34th Tokyo International Film Festival, (Japan), 15th Festival de Cine Global de Santo Domingo, (Dominican Republic), 6th Hanoi Internatiobal Film Festival (Vietnam), 26th Ji.hlava International Documentary Film Festival and the 2011 Prague Quadrennial (both in Czech Republic), Jogja-NETPAC Asian Film Festival (Indonesia), Antimatter Underground Film Festival / Media Art (Canada), 50th CURTAS - Festival do Imaxinario (Spain), 33rd São Paulo International Short Film Festival (Brazil), 31st Croatian One-Minute International Film Festival (Croatia) and the Academy Award-Qualifying 38th Los Angeles Asian Pacific Film Festival (USA) among others.